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Your Thanksgiving Week Game Plan (Hint: No Guilt Included)

Happy Thanksgiving week!!!

Do you look forward to this week? Or does it royally stress you out?

Look beyond the endless to-do list that may be hanging over your head for a moment. How is this week a fundamentally positive thing? Why is a holiday week enlightening?

Not only does it force you to slow down and be grateful for all things in your life, but it's also a great time of reflection for your relationship with food.

If you're stuck in the cycle of dieting you may think that Thanksgiving is the perfect time to say "FORGET IT... I'm eating what I want!"

But once you improve your relationship with food, you're really able to honor your body and know that you can enjoy your holiday WITHOUT feeling sick after the meal.

But it all starts with the week leading up to Thanksgiving, so here's a Thanksgiving Week *FEEL GOOD* Game Plan...


What can you prepare TODAY to feel your best?

This doesn't mean you need to plan every morsel of food you eat and a workout every day, but having a GAME PLAN for the week can help you prioritize healthy habits to feel your best.

Here are some things to do TODAY to set yourself up for a feel good week:

  1. Go grocery shopping (and not just for Thanksgiving itself!)

  2. Write down 1-2 balanced meals you'll eat this week for breakfast, lunch and dinner - having the game plan makes you more likely to stick to it!

    1. Even if you order takeout to make your life easier, plan what those meals will be as well.


How can you prioritize FEEL GOOD meals today?

No matter how much is on your to do list, you still deserve to eat. You still NEED to eat.

I can clearly recall times in my life when I just didn't eat, as though it was a nuisance or the first thing that could go to give me more time ... but that didn't make me get more done or have more energy. It zapped my energy and made me feel quite crappy. And then all I wanted was carbs and snacks.

Insert my "Square Nutrition" coaching strategy here:

Instead aim to eat balanced meals throughout the day to feel your best. That means each meal should include :

Color - veggies or some fruit

For example...

  1. Wake up and make a balanced breakfast (bonus points for prepping something simple the night before or whipping up a smoothie!)

  2. While you're at it, plan a balanced lunch like a Chicken Salad or adult bento box (use a rotisserie chicken to make your life easier!)

  3. Make your life easy and order in a balanced dinner (try to include the components listed above).


What movement can you *add* to your day for an extra burst of energy?

Today let's focus on MOVING YOUR BODY... even for just 10 minutes!

Perhaps it's...

Getting up from your desk for a 10 minute walk around the block

Going for an after dinner stroll with your family

Doing a 20 minute barre class

Doing some squats while you brush your teeth

When your energy dips, movement usually helps!


How can you take a break from cooking to give my body what it needs?

Whether it's time for some vanity self-care (manicure, blow out, bubble bath, trying on your Thanksgiving day outfit) to feel your best for the holiday or more planned stress reduction (like meditating, jogging, reading, etc.), schedule in some YOU time today.

When your needs aren't met it's easier to rely on food to fill those voids. If you have a history of emotional eating and/or the holidays bring up some tough memories for you, it's extra important that you take care of yourself this week.

The same goes if you're traveling. How can you fit in just a few minutes of self-care?

If you’re anything like the old me who was stuck in a dieting mindset, you probably ate as little as possible the days leading up to a big holiday. I thought I had to “save up” for my big splurges.

I know and teach my clients that under-eating before a big meal only sets you up to eat MORE. It sets you up to feel ravenous and out of control. And that’s not a great feeling to have… especially when there’s so much yummy food around.


What should you eat for breakfast to feel your best today?

It's Thanksgiving Day! Don't make the common mistake I see from clients on days with large meals or parties...

Skipping meals earlier in the day or drastically cutting back WILL backfire!

  1. Instead, EAT BREAKFAST when you're hungry in the morning. Prioritize protein.

  2. If your Thanksgiving meal is mid-afternoon, have a snack when you need one.

  3. PAUSE cooking for lunch if your Thanksgiving meal is later.

It's still important to honor your body on holidays, and that includes eating when you're hungry and pausing when you're full.

Try to eliminate any food rules you have and eat what you truly want to fully enjoy your Thanksgiving meal.

You're allowed to eat past the point of comfortable fullness, but do so mindfully, knowing you can always take leftovers home and make Thanksgiving foods again.

Here are 3 mindset shifts for a healthier relationship with food:

  1. Give yourself permission to enjoy all foods.

    1. Yes, ALL foods.

    2. When you stop limiting yourself, the “want what you can’t have” aspect to food wears off. And so do the feelings of guilt when you eat these foods.

  1. Commit to eating in a way that helps you feel good. Not to eat as little as possible.

    1. When you’re constantly counting calories or macros, tracking points, or turning your food into a math equation, you obsess over every bite. That doesn’t foster a good relationship with food.

    2. Instead, try focusing on balanced meals most of the time to feel your best and be satisfied from your food.

  1. Know that you can eat your favorite foods at ANY time.

    1. It doesn’t have to be Thanksgiving to make a pumpkin pie, if you love it.

    2. It doesn’t have to be Halloween to eat fun-sized pieces of candy.

    3. And it definitely does not have to be Christmas to enjoy cookies.

When you internalize that you can eat these foods at ANY time, the pressure to “eat it all now” goes away.

3 Mindful Thanksgiving Meal Tips:

1. Choose the food you WANT, not what you think you should be eating.

Satisfaction is key to turn off your hunger hormones and signal to your body to stop eating.

If you fill your plate with turkey, roasted carrots and brussels sprouts, and cauliflower mashed potatoes – are you really satisfied by that plate on a holiday? Maybe on a Tuesday, but on a holiday that carries a lot of food memories?

You may feel a bit deprived – even if you’re physically full – because you skipped some “Thanksgiving foods.” If you look down at your plate and see something that you WANT to eat missing, add it!

Food is meant to be enjoyed. Yes, we eat for energy and nutrients, but also for pure enjoyment. And there’s no better day to push aside all other eating hangups you may experience (aside from food allergies!) than Thanksgiving.

So ENJOY every aspect of every bite you take — from the aroma of your mom’s gravy to the creamy texture of your grandma’s pumpkin pie and the savoriness of the stuffing. Use all five senses for a complete mindful and satisfying experience.

Plus, when you’re satisfied by the foods you eat, it’s easier to stop eating when you’re full.

2. Give yourself permission to take home leftovers so you can eat more later (or tomorrow).

Having a doggie bag waiting (or setting aside some of your own cooking), prevents the “now or never” mentality. Instead, you’ll shift to an abundance mindset. 

By knowing there’s food around that you can enjoy at ANY time – not just the hour you’re at the dinner table – you’ll be more likely to stop eating when you’re full, not stuffed.

3. Food does not control you.

People who struggle with indulging with awareness — enjoying every aspect of eating your favorite foods — may also think that food has power over them.

Food does not have this unspoken control over us. Never doubt the ability YOU have to make the best food choices for your body; and the best choice you can make for your body may include an annual meal that is larger than most that you are truly aware you are enjoying.

Take the pressure OFF of yourself this year. ENJOY your food and the eating experience with family and/or friends.

Set aside thoughts of what perhaps over-indulging will do to your external appearance. I promise, one meal will not make or break your health!

Also remember, it’s normal to overeat sometimes. Try not to beat yourself up or let feelings of guilt creep in. You’re on a JOURNEY to improve your relationship with food and feel confident in your food choices, but this shift doesn’t happen overnight! No one’s perfect when it comes to eating!


How can you enjoy leftovers in a more balanced way?

Some people shy away from leftovers, but to avoid food waste I encourage you to enjoy them. Try to balance your plate more than on Thanksgiving day... perhaps add a side salad or soup instead of 3/4 plate of carbs.

If any guilty feelings pop up today, try to breathe through them and quiet the noise. Holidays are a part of life... they come around every single year, so we need to learn how to handle them to feel our best instead of dreading them and stressing over them.

Guilt is not an ingredient in any of the delicious food you ate this week... so remember that even if you ate more than usual, you still deserve to eat today.

I hope you found this Thanksgiving Week *FEEL GOOD* Game Plan helpful! If you have any questions, feel free to reach out!

Be Well this Thanksgiving


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