When it comes to dieting and weight loss, there truly is nothing "new under the sun." All the trends and quick fix diets you see now are simply recycled diets from 10, 20, even 50 years ago.
This time of year, we can find ourselves inundated with diet culture, New Year’s resolutions and needs for a "better (maybe skinnier), new you."
No matter how seasoned or new you are in regards to application of wellness principles in your life, there can still be the temptation to believe that you would feel or be better by doing X, Y, or Z thing when this commentary is so prevalent (and charming).
At this point, there is no evidence to support that quick-fix diets equal long-term health.
What happens when we pursue the quick, miracle pill, latest celebrity trend route? We miss out on an opportunity to heal, to build sustainable habits, and to build resiliency for real life.
It’s important for us to get clear about what weight loss will give and do for us. And what do we have to exchange in order for that to continue?
Step outside of the emotions and feelings associated with the number on the scale and simply consider what the quality of life element is that you will gain from that number you seek to obtain.
What is it really that you think dieting will fix?

A few things to remember regarding weight loss…
The praise of people after losing weight loss won’t last. It would be weird if people only commented on the weight you’ve lost. At that point, you’ve become invisible and simply a body to be commented on. This will eventually erode the hit you received from that praise.
Don’t believe the lie that this is just the way things are, that you’re never going to get better and there’s something inherently wrong with you. Take an objective look (or ask someone else) and realize that this simply isn’t the case with anything in life.
Your body will stay at a weight that it thrives on. If you have no energy, hate the food you eat, or feel consumed by stress over your weight -- it's not a healthy weight.
Weight is an emotional thing. But it doesn't have to be the absolute end goal if what you are seeking is long-term, sustainable wellness. Habits are small, they last, and they are what life is built on.